TMJ Therapy and Treatments in Ottawa

Sleep apnea and TMJ treatments in Ottawa, ON

*We accept TMJ patients with or without a doctors referral! Contact us today!

If your dentist has used the term temporomandibular disorder (TMD for short) to describe something you may have, know that it refers to a general umbrella term that encompasses problems with movement and pain in the jaw or surrounding area. To learn more about the problems, symptoms, and TMJ therapy, read on.

What Causes
Temporomandibular Disorders?

Each of us has two temporomandibular joints (TMJs) – one on each side of the jaw – that act as hinges, connecting the jawbone to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint is very important – it allows us to chew food, talk, and move our mouth around with ease. As such, TMJ treatment can be a vital part of addressing the comfort and mobility of your jaw.

When pain and discomfort occur in this area and the surrounding neck and face regions, the exact cause of temporomandibular disorder isn’t always easy to identify. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to pain and restriction of movement in the jaw, ranging from teeth grinding, injury to the mouth, genetics, or even arthritis.

What Are The
Symptoms of TMD?

woman is having TMD pain in need of TMJ therapy in Ottawa

Some of the most common symptoms of temporomandibular disorders include:

  • Painful sensation or discomfort in the jaw joint
  • Pain and tenderness of entire or focused area of jaw
  • Aching around or in the ear
  • Headaches
  • Surrounding face and neck pain
  • Locked/restricted jaw
  • Discomfort and trouble with chewing
  • Swelling of face
  • Toothaches
  • Clicking sound or a strange feeling when chewing
  • Sleep Apnea

If you notice any of these recurring symptoms or general pain and dysfunction of the jaw, schedule an appointment with your doctor or dentist to have it looked at and provide you with TMJ treatment if necessary.

When to
Visit a Dentist For TMJ Therapy

If you or a loved one is experiencing noticeable irritation and pain in the face, neck or jaw area, it’s important to have it examined to determine the exact root of the pain. The dentist will check the joints of the jaw and listen for any unusual sounds like clicking or popping. X-rays may also be necessary to get a thorough look at the TMD, also to make sure that there aren’t any other underlying problems occurring.

Another potential warning sign might be sleep apnea. Dr. Dahan, your sleep apnea dentist in Ottawa, can help you identify if your issues are caused by a TMJ related disorder. Additionally, if you require CPAP, Ottawa based treatment is available.

In most cases, TMD related pain and discomfort is temporary and won’t require surgery. But depending on the exact cause of your symptoms, there are numerous other treatments that can be recommended by your dentist, including dental work like crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth, anti-inflammatory medication, a night guard (snoring guard, snoring appliance etc), or, in rare cases, oral surgery.

Dr. Dahan of the Ottawa TMJ & Sleep Apnea Clinic treats TMD. In the event you have any concerns or questions you would like addressed, contact our office at your earliest convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ Therapy

Are there any natural remedies to help relieve pain associated with TMJ?
How do you treat TMJ disorder (TMD)?
Are there any long-term effects of TMJ disorder?
When should I seek treatment for TMJ pain?

Are there any natural remedies to help relieve pain associated with TMJ?

Yes, there are a few natural remedies that may help alleviate the pain you’re experiencing due to TMJ. Certain lifestyle changes can be a temporary solution for halting symptoms. Remember, these aren’t permanent solutions and shouldn’t be considered a long-term option. A few natural remedies to try can include:

  • Massage therapy
  • Jaw stretching
  • Acupuncture
  • Eating soft foods
  • Learning stress management
  • Utilizing heat or cold therapy

If you find that any of these natural remedies aren’t working for you, call our Ottawa office at (613) 454-1854 and we’ll set up a consultation for you with Dr. Dahan. During this consultation, we’ll take time to discuss your symptoms, helping in determining the best TMJ treatment option for you. Dr. Dahan may recommend a customized oral appliance to help improve the alignment of your jaw while you sleep and prevent any further damage from TMJ.

How do you treat TMJ disorder (TMD)?

At Ottawa TMJ and Sleep Apnea Clinic, we offer several treatments for TMJ and relieving pain associated with the disorder. During your initial consultation, Dr. Dahan will examine your entire mouth and discuss your symptoms, determining the best TMJ treatment for you. 

In extremely rare cases, Dr. Dahan may recommend surgery for treating your TMD. However, most patients experience relief with a customized nightguard or other dental solutions, such as crowns or bridges to replace missing teeth. Schedule your consultation today by calling (613) 454-1854.

Are there any long-term effects of TMJ disorder?

Leaving TMJ untreated can lead to several long-term effects, as it can increase your risk of developing serious health problems. Without proper treatment, TMJ disorder may result in:

  • Tooth loss
  • Jaw bone deterioration 
  • Nerve damage
  • Migraines
  • Hearing loss

This is why it’s crucial to contact our practice if you’re experiencing issues with TMJ and think you may be suffering from TMD. Call our Ottawa office at (613) 454-1854 to schedule a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Dahan and we can get you the exceptional care you deserve.

When should I seek treatment for TMJ pain?

If pain from TMJ is starting to affect your everyday life, you should seek professional treatment as soon as possible. The pain caused by TMD can be debilitating, but you don’t have to live your life in pain. With years of experience, Dr. Dahan has a variety of techniques to help relieve your TMJ symptoms and put an end to any pain you’re experiencing.

At your consultation, Dr. Dahan will assess your oral health and explain possible options so you can make an informed and confident decision regarding your treatment plan.
